Wednesday, December 21, 2011

5 S Process


Sorting: Clothes that were laying on the floor were sorted into their respective piles (shirts, tank tops, pants, etc.) Any of these that were not packed to come home with me were sorted into their respective drawer. 
Straightening: Random things that were laying around were picked up and either placed in a
Systematic Cleaning: I dusted, vacuumed the floor, and cleaned the mirror, the magazine rack, my desk, and my drawers.
Standardizing: T 
Sustaining: My room will be able to stay this clean for at least a month while I'm at home for break. Next semester I can hopefully work harder so it does not get to the state it was in previously.
Safety: The only safety issue that remains is my bed; on the edge there is a panel that sticks out and I always trip over it - makes for very good free entertainment for my roommate.
Security: The front door to my apartment is locked and my door is shut.
Satisfaction: I am very satisfied with the cleanliness of my room :-)

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